十二烷基二甲基苄基氯化铵 Industrial Geramine 品 名 工业洁尔灭 结 构 式 产品性能 本品可与阳离子、非离子表面活性剂或阳离子染料有良好的配伍性,忌阴离子表面活性剂及洗涤剂配用。 产品性质 ◆ 外观 黄白色蜡状体或胶体 ◆ 溶解性 易溶于水和乙醇 ◆ 活性物含量 >85% ◆ PH值(1%水溶液) 5~8 主要用途 用于外科、皮肤、器械消毒,疮口感染消毒,蚕室蚕具、蘑菇培殖及生物化学工程的环境和器具的消毒;食品生产中的设备、管道、操作件的消毒;大型化工装置水质杀菌灭藻;油田注水井杀菌,防菌堵等领域。 包 装 净重50KG/塑桶。 Product Name: Industrial Geramine structural formula Characters ◆ Appearance: yellow white wax or colloid ◆ Solubility: soluble in water and alcohol ◆ Active Content: (dry substances) 85~95% ◆ PH(10% aqueous solution): 7~8 Application It is used for disinfection of surgery, skin, appliance, disinfection of opening of a sore, environmental and appliances disinfection of dining room, dishware, mushroom planting and chemical engineering, disinfection of equipment, piping and operation pieces in food production, sterilization of large-scale factory, sterilization of downflow well of oil field and so on. |